Proper Riding Gear:
The Essential Guide for Keeping Safe on Your Motorcycle

There are a myriad of safety tips motorcyclists should take into serious consideration before heading out on the lush, open road, many of which can greatly contribute to reducing the amount of motorcycle-related accidents we unfortunately see. These include always wearing a helmet, reducing high speeds, not drinking and driving, keeping the motorcycle in top operating condition, avoiding tailgating and “lane splitting,” being aware of road hazards and showing courtesy to other motorists. But proper riding gear is also a major factor when it comes to motorcycle safety, and as such we have compiled a list of some of the more important pieces of gear every responsible motorcyclist should consider – and the reasons behind wearing each item.

Helmet – First and foremost, this is a must for every motorcycle driver and passenger. It is the best protection from head trauma in the case of an accident.
Gloves – Beyond a mere style statement, gloves protect the motorcyclist’s hands from weather elements, road debris and more.
Boots – Worn above the ankle, boots protect the lower body of the motorcycle rider in the way gloves protect the hands.
Thick Material Pants – Wearing proper riding gear can reduce the risk of a motorcycle accident, as previously covered, but it can also protect from distractions such as bugs and heat from the bike. But when it comes to pants, the truth is motorcyclists should protect their bodies as much as possible when riding – doing so will keep raindrops from pelting the body, prevent heat from the cycle scalding the legs, etc.
Jacket With Padding – Jackets should be made of sturdy materials like denim, nylon or leather with zippered vents that make them comfortable to wear year-round, even in warm weather.
Visor to Protect From Sun – Protective eyewear is also a must, preferably variants that are clean and unscratched…and, if lenses are tinted for riding in the sun, cyclists should be sure to have some that are clear for night riding.

Additional elements that should be considered when making a motorcycle fully safe to ride are items such as highway bars and roll cages. And, if you find yourself a victim of a motorcycle accident and have suffered road rash or burns, treatments such as silver sulfadiazine can be used to apply to second or third degree burns.

Stay safe out there when sharing the road with other motorists! If the inevitable happens, remember we care and will fight to restore your normal living. Fill out a FREE consultation form to give us a description of your accident so we can begin your case today.