Palm Springs Motorcycle Accident Attorney
Motorcycle Advocates has been the palm springs motorcycle accident attorney resource for years!
#1 Motorcycle Accident
Attorney In Palm Springs
We will immediately

- Answer any questions you have regarding your case
- Determine your maximum compensation
- Take charge of communication with insurance companies
- Locate witnesses
- Investigate the scene
- Conduct research on your accident
- Protect your best interests and rights
Don’t wait. Call Today!
(844) CYCLE 44
(844) 292-5344
Palm Springs Motorcycle Accident Attorney
Motorcycle Accident Lawyer
Palm Springs Motorcycle Accident Attorney
Bad motorcycle accidents can prove fatal. If even an accident does not prove to be fatal, it can be extremely detrimental in many ways, including physically, mentally, and financially. Here at Motorcycle Advocates, we’ve seen plenty of motorcycle crashes lead to serious injuries, including injuries to the brain and the spinal cord, which are very difficult, if not impossible, to bounce back from.
If you are lucky, you might get away with a bit of soft tissue damage or road rash after your motorcycle accident, though that is usually not the case. Even with that said, treatment for smaller injuries like this can still cost quite a bit of money.
It is imperative to us that the person at fault is held responsible for their actions and is forced to pay for your financial burden.
As soon as you get discharged from the hospital, connect with a personal injury attorney, such as Motorcycle Advocates. A good personal injury attorney can help you file a personal injury claim to get yourself back on track.
We’ve helped plenty of motorcycle accident victims here at Motorcycle Advocates, recovering millions of dollars in insurance settlements and court verdicts. In our many years of experience, we’ve dealt with all kinds of personal injury cases, though when it comes to motorcycle accidents, we take things very seriously.
If you’ve recently suffered from a motorcycle accident while in Palm Springs, we want to make sure that you’re able to recover the damages.
Make sure to schedule a consultation with us today!
What To Do After A Motorcycle Accident
Even if you don’t think your motorcycle accident was very serious, you should still follow this list of things to do after the fact. To make it easy for you, we’ve made a small, step-by-step guide that can act as a general plan for a post-motorcycle accident.
The first thing you need to do is seek medical attention and keep any of the documentation and receipts that you receive as medical evidence for your case.
Let’s take a look at a couple of steps that you need to take after getting into a motorcycle accident.
Seek Medical Attention
As we said before, the first thing that you need to do after a motorcycle accident is to seek medical attention.
Yes, it might seem quite obvious, though you’d be surprised to find out how many motorcyclists believe their accident was mild and don’t seek medical attention, especially when they actually need it, yet don’t know.
At the very least, you should try and speak to a medical professional or someone at urgent care after your motorcycle accident so they can ask you questions and better assess your symptoms. There might be something wrong, and you don’t even know about it.
Tell them if you are experiencing any pain, even if you think that your pain is minimal.
If you were thrown from the bike and hit your head during the accident, it is especially important that you receive care, as brain injuries often present themselves later down the line. Make sure to seek medical attention from an ambulance as soon as they arrive on the scene.
File Your Personal Injury Claim
If afterr getting medical attention at the scene of the crash of your Palm Springs motorcycle accident, it is important that you explore the scene if you are able to get up and walk around. While looking around the scene, see if you can find any evidence that might be helpful in your case.
You can even use your phone to take photos or videos of the scene of the accident. There are a few things you should take pictures of, including the vehicles that were damaged, exactly where your bike was hit, and where it ended up.
Make sure to also speak with any witnesses that were in the vicinity during the time of the crash and collect their contact information. During this time, let them know that you might get in contact with them later so they can give you a recollection of the event.
You will also want to make sure to ask your doctor about receiving a copy of your medical history, including your doctor’s statement, a medical prognosis, and any other documentation that’ll be helpful for using as proof of the injuries you sustained.
Motorcycle Advocates will need you medical bills to calculate damages accurately. It is very important to consider these damages, as they are numbers you’ll need to allow you to collect from the defendant.
Get In Touch With Your Palm Springs Motorcycle Accident Lawyer
You can’t just get in touch with any lawyer and expect to make a successful case for your Palm Springs motorcycle accident. You need to have a lawyer that is familiar with the legal process here in California, as well as any motorcycle laws that are specific to the state.
A lawyer without that kind of expertise won’t be as helpful in filing a personal injury claim or negotiating money with your insurer.
By working with a proper motorcycle accident lawyer, you can identify any of the liable parties once the case is investigated. Through this process, your lawyer should be able to help you prove the negligence of the other party that was involved in the accident.
Here are a few things you can expect from your Motorcycle Advocates accident attorney.
Calculate Your Damages
There is a fairly wide range of injuries that motorcycle accident victims can suffer from, including spinal cord injuries, brain injuries, road rash, burns, broken bones, fractures, and much more. If you end up having to seek medical attention for any of these injuries, it can be quite costly.
The beauty of working with a motorcycle accident lawyers is that they will work with your specific case, providing the evidence necessary to get you money for all of the damages. An attorney will need to take several factors into account to do so, including your medical bills, income that was lost from your inability to work after your accident, and any potential loss of future earnings.
Filing A Personal Injury Claim
During your recovery period, your Palm Springs motorcycle accident attorney will file a claim on your behalf so that you can rest and not have to worry about it. Your Palm Springs motorcycle accident attorneys will work with the parties at fault and the insurane companies.
Negotiating With Insurance Companies
Here at Motorcycle Advocates, our motorcycle accident attornies have many years of experience and have helped motorcycle accident victims obtain proper and fair compensation for their cases.
Filing A Personal Injury Lawsuit
Our primary goal at Motorcycle Advocates is to resolve your claim before you have to take it to court. Of course, not all insurance companies are reasonable, and sometimes going to court is unavoidable. If that is the case, we will take your accident case to court.
Fighting For You
If we have to go to court, then we have to go to court!
We’ve had to fight for countless motorcycle accident victims in court to make sure they got the justie they deserved.
Make sure to schedule a free consultation with us today to get started!
Should I Sue At-Fault Parties After A Motorcycle Accident?
Most of the time, plaintiffs and defendants in these situations will settle things outside of court so they don’t have to deal with court costs.
Legal proceedings, as you likely know, can cost a lot of time and energy. If you go through a case that takes a long time, this is especially true. You might end up having to deal with taking time off from work or time off from your family and friends. Not only can this impact you financially, but it can also negatively impact your mental and emotional health.
For this reason, we try to help people steer clear of going through legal proceedings in all. Of course, there are times when it is not possible to settle outside of court, especially if you are dealing with an unreasonable insurance company that won’t offer you the financial compensation that you deserve.
Motorcycle accident lawys calculate the damage and speak with the insurance company to provide them with an initial offer. This part of the process is the negotiation process.
There are many reasons to have a negotiator on your side, though the main reason is to get the fair and just compensation that you deserve. Unfortunately, many insurance companies aren’t willing to provide the right amount of compensation for victims, even if the calculation of the damages incurred is seemingly obvious and clear.
An insurance company is able to make more money if it doesn’t have to shell out money to its victims. Essentially, it is in an insurance company’s favor to refrain from provding the proper amount of compensation.
Your first move should never be to file a lawsuit. However, filing a lawsuit might be a necessary evil if you’re working with an insurance company that is refusing to pay you what you deserve. If you end up having to file a lawsuit, it is crucial that you have someone representing you.
Here at Motorcycle Advocates, we have experience in dealing with motorcyle accident cases in Palm Springs. We’ve helped many victims of motorcylce accidents win their cases and receive their well-deserved compensation.
If you were recently in a motorcycle accident and you’re looking to receive compensation for your accident, it is important to have the right legal representation to guide you through the process.
Make sure to get in touch with us here at Motorcycle Advocates if this is the case!
Our track record is pristine when it comes to Palm Springs motorcycle accidents. Plus, you don’t owe us a dime if we are unable to recover a settlement for you! You never have to worry about spending your head-earned money upfront.
Damages You May Be Able To Recover From Your Palm Springs Motorcycle Accident
Motorcycle accidents can be absolutely devastating in many ways. As a motorcyclist, your body is exposed to direct impact from the environment around you. This includes the road, infrastructure, or other vehicles. It is more likely that you will be thrown into the air during a motorcycle accident than someone who get hit in their car.
It is California Law that motorcyclists wear helmets when they are riding their motorcycles. Your helmet is the primary element of safety that can protect you from potentially fatal injuries. Of course, even the highest quality helmets aren’t able to protect accident victims from suffering traumatic brain injuries. If you were thrown from your bike and hit a stationary object, the likelihood of suffering a traumatic brain injury skyrockets.
Bad motorcycle accidents can devastate a rider, causing significant physical damage. This type of damage can also be financially devastating, causing mental stress from excessive medical bills and lost income.
Before you discuss your injuries and expenses with an experienced Palm Springs motorcycle accident lawyer here at Motorcycle Advocates, it is important that you do not speak with your insurance company.
Before speaking with your insurance company, it is crucial that you have an experienced attorneys assess your damages so they can put a price tag on your claim, which you can then deliver to your insurance company.
There are a few damages that you should be able to recover compensation for after your Palm Springs motorcycle accident, including:
- Medical Expenditures
- Property Damage
- Loss of Income
- Loss of Income-Earning Abilities
- Mental and Emotional Damages
- Wrongful Death
Beyond that, there are other damages you may be able to recover, including punitive damages, Each case is different and there are several factors that go into each individual case. For this reason, it is crucial that you speak with an experienced motorcycle accident attorneys before making your first move.
Get in touch with us today at Motorcycle Advocates to learn more! We will help you through the process gathering evidence and medical records to give you a better idea of what damages you are entitled to.
Top Reasons People Get Into Motorcycle Accidents
There are certain cases that motorcycle accidents lead to wrongful death. Often, these cases are due to the negligence of other drivers on the road.
Let’s look at a few common ways that people get into motorcycle accidents”
Other Drivers Not Paying Attention To Lawfully Lane-Splitting Riders
Motorcyclists in California are allowed to lane-split or ride in-between lanes to get ahead of vehicles that are moving slower than them. If a motorcyclist is traveling less than 40 mph in California, lane-splitting is completely legal. However, it’s important to note that motorcyclists cannot legally lane split if they are traveling more than 10 mph faster than the surrounding vehicles.
Lane-splitting is certainly not a maneuever that should be performed without the understood risk, as accidents often occur during these instances.
Other Drivers Suddenly Changing Lanes
When a driver quickly changes lanes while traffic is moving without giving other drivers or riders a signal, this is a suddent lange change. A driver that switches lanes suddenly risks getting into catastrophic accidents, which can lead to severe injuries for motorcyclists around them.
There are often accidents due to drivers making these types of sudden lane changes.
Not Giving Motorcyclists The Right Of Way
These accidents occur when a vehicle is turning left and a motorcyclist crashes into it. It is often that the vehcile is attempting to get ahead of the motorcyclist in the intersection, though it can also be the case that they did not see the motorcylist at all.
In these unique types of Palm Springs motorcycle accidents, we usually find that drivers are taking a left at a green light that does not have a green arrow in place giving them the right of way to turn.
It is important that, as a motorcyclist, you exercise extreme caution if you notice a vehicle waiting to take a left on a regular green light turn.
If you recently got into a motorcyle accident in Palm Springs, make sure to get in touch with us here at Motorcycle Advocates. We’ve helped many victims of motorcycle accidents recover damages that they deserved from personal injury claims. We will put you in contact with our best motorcycle attornies to investigate your case and pursue any damages that you are owed.
There are so many reasons why you may have gotten in a motorcycle accident here in Palm Springs. No matter what the case was, it is crucial that you do not speak with insurance companies or any other parties about the case before speaking to us.
We will help you gather all of the essentials, such as medical records and case evidence, so you don’t have to. We will then assess that evidence to determine the types of damages that are owed to you.
Don’t suffer at the fault of someone else’s negligence without getting the compensation you deserve. Get in touch with us here at Motorcycle Advocates today!