Motorcycle Accident Attorney Orange County
Motorcycle Advocates has been the motorcycle accident attorney orange county resource for years!
#1 Motorcycle Accident
Attorney In Orange County
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- Determine your maximum compensation
- Take charge of communication with insurance companies
- Locate witnesses
- Investigate the scene
- Conduct research on your accident
- Protect your best interests and rights
Don’t wait. Call Today!
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Motorcycle Accident Attorney Orange County
Orange County Motorcycle
A bad motorcycle accident can be fatal. If not, it can certainly cause major detriment to your physical health, mental health, and finances. In our experience, motorcycle crashes often lead to serious injuries, from spinal cord injuries to traumatic brain injuries.
A motorcycle accident victim who is lucky might just get away with road rash or a few soft tissue injuries. However, even treatments for these less significant injuries can prove costly. What’s important to us is that the negligent party is held responsible for their actions.
The moment you get discharged from the hospital, it’s crucial to connect with a personal injury attorney like Motorcycle Advocates to get help before you file a personal injury claim.
Here at Motorcycle Advocates, we’ve helped motorcycle accident victims recover millions of dollars in court verdicts and insurance settlements. We’ve dealt with a wide variety of personal injury cases, and we are very serious when it comes to motorcycle accidents.
If you’ve suffered from a motorcycle accident in Orange County, we want to help you recover the damages.
Schedule a consultation fee with us today.
What To Do After A Motorcycle Accident
No matter how mild your motorcycle accident is, there are always certain things you should do after the fact. We like to help victims of motorcycle accidents with a step-by-step, general plan to get medical attention and preserve any evidence that could be helpful in the case.
Here are a few steps that you should take after your motorcycle accident:
Get Medical Attention
While it might seem like the most obvious thing to do, there are many motorcycle accident victims who don’t believe they are hurt and don’t get the medical attention they actually need. At the least, it is important to speak with urgent care if you have been in a motorcycle accident. Make sure to tell them about any pain you are experiencing, no matter how minimal you might think it is.
If you hit your head or were thrown from your bike in any way, make sure to call for an ambulance and ask for first aid while you’re on the scene.
File a Personal Injury Claim
If you are able to stand up and walk after you receive medical attention at the scene of your Orange County motorcycle accident, it’s important that you explore the scene to see if you can find any evidence that might help support your case when filed.
Use your phone to take pictures and videos of the crash scene. Take pictures of the damaged vehicles, where your bike was hit, and where it ended up. Speak with any witnesses if they are there to collect contact information. While doing this, let them know that you might contact them later for recollections.
You will also want to collect your medical history from your doctor, including the medical prognosis, a doctor statement, and any other documentation that can be used as proof of the state of your injuries.
Your motorcycle attorney will require medical bills to calculate damages. These damages are important to consider, as they are what you’ll be able to collect from the defendant in the case.
Get In Touch With Your Orange County Motorcycle Accident Lawyer
Not any motorcycle accident lawyers will be able to create a successful case for your Orange County motorcycle accident. A motorcycle accident lawyer has to have familiarity with the California legal process and the motorcycle laws specific to the state. If not, they won’t be able to help you negotiate with your insurer or file a personal injury claim.
A proper Orange County motorcycle accident lawyer will be able to help you identify the liable parties after investigating the case. Through this, your lawyer should be able to prove the negligence of the other vehicle’s drivers who caused your particular injuries.
Here is what you can expect from a motorcycle accident attorney at Motorcycle Advocates:
Calculating Damages
Motorcycle accident victims can suffer a wide variety of catastrophic injuries, including road rash, spinal cord injuries, brain injuries, broken bones, burns, fractures, and much more. These injuries can be incredibly costly for those who need medical attention.
A personal injury attorney will work with your specific case and provide evidence to determine the damage total. To do so, they will need to take several factors into account, including medical bills, any money lost from lost capabilities to earn money due to permanent injuries, and any loss of future earnings.
Filing a Personal Injury Claim
While you continue recovering from your injuries, your motorcycle accident attorney will file your personal injury claim so you can rest. They will work with insurance companies and at-fault parties on your behalf.
Negotiating With Insurance Companies
The motorcycle accident attorneys at Motorcycle Advocates have many years of experience in the business and have helped victims of motorcycle accidents obtain fair and proper compensation for their cases.
Filing a Personal Injury Lawsuit
The goal of Motorcycle Advocates is to resolve your motorcycle accident injury claim before you go to court. However, there are times when we work with unreasonable insurance companies. In those instances, we must pursue the case in court.
Fight For Your Needs
Our motorcycle accident attorneys here at Motorcycle Advocates will work tirelessly to represent and fight for you. If necessary, we will do so in front of a judge to make sure you get the justice you deserve.
Make sure to schedule a free consultation with us now to get started!
Motorcycle Accident Lawyer
The Most Common Law Causes of Orange County Motorcycle Accidents
In certain cases, motorcycle accidents can lead to wrongful death. These are often accidents caused by the negligence of other drivers on the road. Here are a few of the most common ways people get into motorcycle accidents:
Other Drivers Not Paying Attention to Lawfully Lane Splitting Motorcyclists
Lane splitting is when a motorcyclist rides in-between lanes to get ahead of slow-moving vehicles. In California, lane splitting is completely legal if the motorcyclist is traveling less than 40 mph. A motorcyclist must also keep in mind that they cannot do this if they are moving more than ten mph faster than surrounding vehicles.
Accidents often happen during these circumstances, as other vehicles will suddenly change lanes without putting on their signal, failing to make it clear that they are changing lanes when a motorcyclist is approaching.
Lane splitting is a very risky maneuver for motorcyclists because of the inattention of other drivers.
Other Drivers Making Lane Changes Suddenly
A sudden lane change is when a driver quickly changes lanes when traffic is moving without giving the signal that they are doing so. A driver that switches lanes without giving any warning is risking a catastrophic crash, which can lead to severe injuries to motorcyclists around them, as well as themselves.
We often see wrongful deaths due to these kinds of mishaps.
Other Drivers Failing To Give Motorcyclists the Right-of-Way
This type of accident is when a motorcyclist crashes into a vehicle that is turning left. That vehicle may have tried to get in front of them to beat them to the intersection, or they did not see the motorcyclist at all.
In these types of Orange County motorcycle accidents, it is often the case that the driver is taking a left at a green light that does not require a green arrow for them to turn.
Motorcyclists must approach intersections with extreme caution, especially if a vehicle is waiting to take a left.
If you have been in an Orange County motorcycle accident, make sure to get in touch with us here at Motorcycle Advocates so you can file a personal injury claim. We will put in our best efforts to investigate your cases and pursue any potential damages.
Should I Sue After an Orange County Motorcycle Accident?
For the most part, plaintiffs and defendants in motorcycle accident cases like to settle things without having to take the cases to court.
As you probably know, going through legal proceedings can be a costly and time-consuming endeavor. This is especially true in cases that get dragged on for a long time.
You might have to deal with frequent court visits, which means having to take time off work or less time visiting with your family. This can take a major mental toll on you and affect your mental and physical health.
The best case is when you are able to steer clear of going through legal proceedings in the first place.
However, it is sometimes only possible to settle outside of court if you are dealing with a reasonable insurance company that is willing to offer you the fair and just compensation that you deserve.
A motorcycle injury lawyers will calculate the damages so that you can speak to the insurance company and provide them with an initial offer. It is during this time that you’ll have to go through negotiations.
The point of having a negotiator is to get the victim fair and just compensation based on the damages. However, there are times when insurance companies aren’t willing to provide the victims with the proper amount of compensation. This is even true when victims give them seemingly obvious proof of calculated damages.
Insurance companies make money when they don’t have to shell out tons of money, so it is in their favor to settle for less than what a person deserves in the case of a motorcycle accident.
Filing a lawsuit should never be your first move, though it can certainly be a necessity if you’re working with an insurance company that refuses to pay you what you deserve. If that is the case, having someone who can provide you with popper legal representation is crucial.
Our team at Motorcycle Advocates has experience in dealing with motorcycle accident cases here in California. We have helped many motorcycle accident victims win their cases and get the compensation they deserve. If you’re looking to seek compensation for your motorcycle accident and you need quality legal representation to help you through the process, then make sure to get in touch with us here at Motorcycle Advocates.
We have a pristine track record when it comes to Orange County motorcycle accidents. You only have to pay us if we recover a settlement for you, so you never have to worry about paying us with money you don’t have upfront.
Make sure to schedule a free consultation with us today to learn more!
Damages You Can Recover From a Motorcycles Accident Injury Attorneys
A motorcycle accident can be absolutely devastating for a motorcyclist, as their body is exposed to direct impact from things around them, such as vehicles, infrastructure, or the road. The potential of being thrown from your bike is far more likely than the potential of a driver being thrown from their car.
California law requires motorcyclists to wear helmets while they are riding, as it is the main safety feature that can protect riders from potentially fatal injuries. However, there are times when even the highest-quality helmets are not able to protect motorcyclists from traumatic brain injuries. This is especially the case if a motorcycle accident causes a rider to hit their head on a stationary object.
A bad motorcycle accident can cause devastating physical damage. This kind of damage can also be financially devastating and cause mental stress from lost income and excessive medical bills.
It is important that you refrain from speaking to an insurance company before you discuss your expenses and injuries with an experienced Orange County motorcycle accident attorney.
The right attorney can help you assess damages and put a price tag on your claim that you can deliver to the insurance companies confidently.
Let’s take a look at a few of the damages you can recover as compensation from a negligent driver in an Orange County motorcycle accident.
Medical Expenditures
You can recover all of the medical expenditures that you received as treatment for your accident injuries. These expenditures include on-scene first-aid, fees for your ambulance, surgeries, at-home medical treatment, and any other medical treatment you may need down the line due to the injuries from your accident.
Compensation should also cover any rehabilitative treatments you have to go to because of your accident.
Property Damage
If you suffered property damage because of the accident, you should receive compensation for it. Let’s say your motorcycle was totaled during the accident. If so, the defendant would be liable to replace it or pay for any damages. This is true even if your insurance company says it does not cover any damages to that particular property.
Loss of Money-Earning Abilities
When it comes to Orange County motorcycle accidents, there are several victims we have worked with that are unable to continue working after the accident. This is often due to permanent injuries.
For example, let’s say you work in construction and one of your arms was permanently damaged after a motorcycle accident. In that case, the motorcyclist may lose their ability to earn income, and the defendant would have to provide compensation for that loss of earning ability.
Loss of Income
Compensation should cover all of the days you are unable to work due to injuries sustained from the accident. The same thing goes if the days you spent in recovery used up any vacation days or sick days.
Mental Damages
We don’t just seek compensation for financial losses and physical damages. One of the most important things we seek compensation for is a victim’s loss of enjoying any activities they love or mental suffering from living in pain. We’ve worked with many motorcycle accident victims who faced excruciating pain and trauma after their accidents, forcing them to go to therapy and get psychological care.
In the legal world, we call this “pain and suffering” damages. The driver who is at fault must compensate for the injured motorcyclist in this case.
Wrongful Death
If the case is a wrongful death case, the family members of the motorcyclist are entitled to compensation. This can be in the form of financial support that was lost from their loved one who died or emotional detriment from the loss of a loved one.
Other Damages
There may be other damages involved, such as punitive damages. As you can probably guess, there are several factors that go into each individual case, which is why it is extremely important to speak with an experienced motorcycle accident attorney before you make your first move.
Make sure to get in touch with us today at Motorcycle Advocates. We will help you gather the right evidence, facts, medical records, and more to give you an idea of what you are entitled to in terms of damages and what financial amount you should expect.
Make sure to schedule a free consultation with us now to get started!